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  • Writer's pictureBreck Massey


Artificially Intelligent Assistant Logic, For Reliable Everyday Duties

AI ALFRED, or Alfred for short, is a small project that I am working on. It is similar to Amazons Alexa, except Alfred Actually works (compared to my Alexa at least). In the video I demonstrate some of Alfred's abilities such as turning on and off a light. I plan to hook him up to my actual lights so I can make them voice activated.

He currently can:

  • Turn on and off an LED (soon to be lights). This will be cheaper than Alexa turning on an off a light. Alexa has to work with special light bulbs which are very expensive while mine uses very cheap Arduino parts.

  • Turn on and off indicating buzz (indicates Arduino received data from the computer)

  • You can change the wake word/name of Alfred. Instead of saying Alfred do... you could change it to Alexa.

  • You can change the name that Alfred uses for you. By default it should be Batman. Currently he only uses your name on start up and when you ask your name.

  • He can convert many different units (Ex: miles to meters, gallons to cups, kelvin to Fahrenheit) .

  • He can give you a random number or give you a coin toss.

  • He can almost tell you the weather (he will tell you to stop being lazy and go outside, this is just a place holder while I connect to a weather api).

I plan to add way more commands and maybe interface Alfred with chat gpt so he can have real responses.

This whole project started out as trying to communicate between Arduino and computers. I was just trying to turn on and off an LED by typing in the command line. Then I thought it would be cool to be able to just speak out what I wanted. I first used some simple language detection library but that had very low accuracy. Instead I found the library for Cortana's language detection. Cortana is windows AI assistant. It worked much better. Then I used a basic system text to speech library to give Alfred a voice.

The system is very simple. It has the code running on the computer and the code running on the Arduino. I plan to add in radio communication between Arduinos so that I don't have to run wires across my room to control things like lights.

Some day I will have an AI assistant better than Alexa (not too hard of a feat compared to how my Alexa behaves).

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