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High school student interested in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and all things STEM



I am a self-taught STEM high school student focused on Electrical Engineering and Computer Programming. Having built a 6502 computer from scratch (and programmed a video game in Assembly language to run on it), I'm very interested in finding a solution to the ending of Moore's Law, a law that predicts the number of transistors in a chip will double every two years. This is becoming very important with the advanced chips needed for AI.

I also enjoy and have spent time on several projects engineering solutions to different social problems in the world, such as a hydroponics farming system that could be located in a food desert to provide people with fresh vegetation, and a bionic hand for a woman who lost her hand in an equestrian accident. In addition, I created a Personal Finance Calculator to help people learn about expenses and how to budget, given about 80% of Americans are in debt. This app was a winner of the 2023-2024 United States Congressional App Challenge.

I am a first-generation engineer in my family who is completely self-taught using resources such as Khan Academy, Google, YouTube, Documentation, and other online resources. As STEM is my passion, I look forward to expanding my knowledge and skills continuing to engineer and collaborate on projects in high school and college at the highest possible levels in order to solve hard problems and to effectuate positive change.


My LinkedIn is Breck Massey

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