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  • Writer's pictureBreck Massey

Hello World on 6502 Microprocessor

After I fully assembled Ben Eater's 6502 kit I was able to successfully run its first program. Just like every classic first program, I made the computer print out "Hello, World!" onto the LCD display. The image above was taken after I added many extra components (The video above only has the added clock component). The kit comes with the three breadboards pictured below.

The breadboards I added served as extra or useful features. The top breadboard is the clock module. This is different than the standard clock which tells time. This type of clock turns on and off at a certain rate to synchronize the computer. The clock module I added had the ability to change speeds or stop. This is useful to debug programs. The bottom two breadboards are the sound module. This is for adding sounds into programs. I go into this deeper in other posts.

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