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  • Writer's pictureBreck Massey

Taco Cat

Taco Cat was a puzzle game made for the TSA Video Game competition (2023). Similar to the year before, I worked on this game with some other people. I worked with some peers in my game jam club (club where we make video games) to come up with the game concept. Then I worked with my sister to do the art and my good friend to do the rest of the programming. I did most of the programming but Jack helped set up menus. Like last year, the game made it to semi finals but did not place. This is probably because the team ran out of time. We were unable to finish the graphics and add sound effects. We also had to rush to finish the puzzles.

The game is a local multiplayer puzzle game based around creating a taco. The first player to make a taco wins. There are multiple puzzles around the map that grant the player access to the parts of the taco. Each puzzle is randomized for each player.

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